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在護理點上提供準確的診斷圖像。非常適合快速診斷外觀,視覺確認,介入程序,血管通道和小零件的理想選擇實現您的臨床工作流程和患者途徑的優化 - 所有這些都是以負擔得起的成本。

- 按需高分辨率圖像 - 14 MHz,192個元素,並支持B,顏色和多普勒模式。
- 將圖像無線傳輸到您的智能設備,並與PACS或雲集成。
- 全息手機的針頭增強選項。

- 預設乳房,密集的乳房和介入程序簡化工作流程
- 可自定義的注釋軟件包啟用有效的文檔
- 乳房報告包,用於快速記錄服務,確保準確的計費和審計

- 可比較的購物車係統成本的一部分
- 利用現有的智能設備投資
- 通過使您能夠將任何考試空間彎曲到過程室來減少調度挑戰
- 常規和無縫軟件更新

- 第一個無線手持乳房超聲掃描儀,具有出色的圖像質量
- 用預設模式優化乳房,致密的乳房和幹預程序,以簡化工作流程
- 按需高分辨率圖像 - 14 MHz,192個元素,並支持B,顏色和多普勒模式
- 將圖像無線傳輸到您的智能設備,並與PACS或雲集成
- 快速診斷外觀,視覺確認,介入過程的理想選擇

企業村,建築物Caprese,Da Vincilaan 8樓5
+32 2 711 46 80


  • The Fluoroscan InSight 2’s lightweight, HD flat screen monitor can be rotated and positioned with ease to extend into the surgical field.


  • In addition, the Selenia Dimensions system's Genius™ 3D Mammography™ exam offers the only breast tomosynthesis technology with the following advantages over 2D mammography, proving that not all tomo is the same:

    - Proven to detect 20%-65% more invasive breast cancers compared to 2D alone, an average increase of 41%.1
    - Proven to reduce callbacks by up to 40% compared to 2D alone.2-3
    - FDA approved as superior for women with dense breasts compared to 2D alone.2,4

    Fast, low dose and clinically superior, compared to 2D. 3D Mammography™ exams: Powered by C-View™ software.
    Hologic has further advanced breast cancer screening by producing 2D images from breast tomosynthesis data using C-View software, resulting in a Low Dose Genius™ 3D Mammography™ exam with superior clinical performance compared with 2D alone.4

    This Low Dose Genius™ 3D Mammography™ exam is performed in a rapid 3.7-second scan time for greater patient comfort and low patient dose, due to the elimination of 2D X-ray exposures. The synthetic 2D images and 3D™ slices are reviewed together to make clinical decisions or diagnoses part of the Genius™ 3D Mammography™ screening exam.

    The Selenia Dimensions system is available in multiple packages and options to meet your facility's unique needs, all without compromising clinical performance:

    - Selenia Dimensions 3000 - The evergreen 2D system that offers the benchmark Hologic customers expect, with essential ergonomics and functional workflow features at an attractive price. Plus, the Selenia Dimensions system 3000 package offers the agility to evolve with you.
    - Selenia Dimensions 3D™ Performance System - The 3D™ system that offers the benchmark Hologic customers expect, with essential ergonomics and functional workflow features, as well as the Genius™ 3D Mammography™ exam, at an attractive price.
    - Selenia Dimensions 6000 - The 2D/3D™ system that redefines ergonomics, matched with the perfect balance of enhanced workflow features, taking your performance to the next level.
    - Selenia Dimensions 9000 - The premium 2D/3D™ system that delivers on high performance through its outstanding, optimal ergonomics and elevated, intelligent workflow features that amplify your performance.

  • product page by clicking here.


    Clarity HD

    The sharpest 3D™ images ever. Reveal the finest details with the fastest, highest resolution 3D™ images available, designed to detect more invasive cancers with confidence. Our advanced detector and innovative 3D™ imaging algorithm work together to deliver exceptional 3D™ images – regardless of breast size or density.

    SmartCurve™ Breast Stabilization System

    More comfortable mammograms. More satisfied patients.
    SmartCurve™ Breast Stabilization System Hologic addresses the main reason too many women put off having a potentially life-saving mammogram: discomfort.1 Our SmartCurve™ breast stabilization system delivers an exceptional patient experience without compromising image quality, workflow or dose.


  • - Mammography: A published case series has shown minimal scarring after breast conservation therapy using BioZorb to mark the site3
